We have paid for the starter version of fireblocks, but the account still shows that it is the free one

We have paid for the starter version of fireblocks, but the account still shows that it is the free one.

Are you using the same URL to log in as you used with Sandbox?

For paid mainnet or testnet workspaces, you need to log in to the below URL


Feel free to create a ticket.


Hi thank you for your input, I use the below link
If I try login with the link that you have shared but I get the error. while login. your credentials are invalid.

Hey Vinay,

Your mainnet workspace is not yet provisioned, AFAIK. Once provisioned, you will get a welcome email to join the workspace. The mainnet workspaces are accessed via Fireblocks Console. I will check about when the workspace will be provisioned.

Thank you for your prompt reply. It will be greatfull for us, If your team send the email to access the workspace as soon as possible.

I already paid the bill on August 13, 2024, which will be ended on Sep 13, 2024. I didn’t get access to the workspace for the paid plan. How can I trust your service. My amount is wasted. This is my invoice receipt number. Receipt #2452-3038
Please give us access AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

Hey Vinay, We are looking into this. Please standby, We will revert soon.

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Hi Sagar. Could you please let me know the status of my account.

Hello Vinay,

Your CSM did reach out to you yesterday over the email, The workspace was provisioned yesterday and they are also going to adjust the start date for the billing to Sep 4, Can you please check your email regarding this communication? It was sent to your registered email address sup****@b*******.com

Thank you, Sagar for your support. Sure I’ll check the mail.