Got error when call the API

I got this error when calling the API, all APIs have this error

Hi @charlie can you share the workspace name and the first 4 digits of the API key?

I suspect that there’s an issue with the CSR of the API user when he was created.
Let’s create a new API user and and create a new CSR with :
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -keyout fireblocks_secret.key -out fireblocks.csr -subj '/O=<your_organization>'

Hi @Wilfred, I did as you instructed, but still got the error

workspace: Pretense Flip N.V. (API Test)
first 4 digits of the API key: 8f9d

Hi Charlie,
I am Mohammed from fireblocks.
can you please confirm which API base URL you use for these calls.
Are you using the sandbox API base URL.
The mentioned workspace and API user is a testnet workspace and not a sandbox workspace.
If you are using the sandbox API base URL, please change it to the production one and try again.
