Unable to connect to Fireblocks Console

Hi, I am struggling to sign in to the Fireblocks Console. Although I gave the right 2FA code, I constantly got the ‘Something went wrong. Try again.’ message, Is there any solution to this problem? And I also wanna ask that can I link up a Fireblocks wallet connection through WalletConnect and Fireblocks Console in my platform, which is currently running on Polygon Testnet, or do I have to switch to Sandbox to enable the testnet environment for the wallet?

Hi @pal can you confirm that you are logging in with your email and password and not via Google Auth?

No, I logged in with the Google Auth and 2FA code.

@pal So the 2FA we reset was for email and password log-in.
Is Google Auth your preferred method of logging in to the console?

@Wilfred, Oh no, the reset for the 2FA on the Sandbox works smoothly, but it seems like I haven’t requested to sign up for the Console Demo, which may lead to the problem I’m facing, but thanks for your support.

@pal most welcome! so you’re able to log in with the 2FA now?

@Wilfred Yes sir, I’ve been able to log in to my Sandbox workspace now. Another question: Although I’ve been requesting to create an account on Console for more than a day, it seems like I’ve not received any invitation in my email. Can you please check that for me? This is urgent for my team. My registered email: anh.le3@ekotek.vn

@pal do you mean you are trying to sign up for another Sandbox account?

@pal there is a limit of 1 sandbox account per email. Could you sign up with another email address?