Internal Fireblocks error: Deposit BTC in Sandbox from Exchange with

I tried to deposit BTC from Exchange, BitMEX which I connected to my Fireblocks sandbox environment. And the I got the error as attached.

The transaction ID is: b4c31034-98f6-4659-aa70-f4e48f099df5

Could I have any helps on this isssue?

Hi @kabut can you remove and re-add the exchange connection and initiate the transfer again via the web console?

@Wilfred Thanks for your support . I encountered another error after reconnections. I can see the amount so seems not credential issue…

TX Id:

Error message:
Missing BitMEX Testnet credentials

The credentials for BitMEX Testnet are missing.

What can I do?

  • Delete BitMEX Testnet account from your Fireblocks workspace and then reconnect it. You may need to update the TAP and generate a new API & secret key.
  • Resubmit the transaction after reconnecting the account. Request help from the Developer Community if the problem persists.