I sent a matik to the gas station, the transaction went through, but the matik is not on the balance

Hi, I send a matik to the gas station, the transaction went through, but the matik is not on the balance.

fireblocks transaction id: 32f981aa-8830-47a6-99a2-e1359e1dfbfa

Hi Jenk,

My name is Maxim, I’m the Technical Support Manager here at Fireblocks.

Could you please add the asset “MATIC_POLYGON_MUMBAI (Matic Gas Token (Polygon Test))” to the whitelisted address named “Gas Station Wallet” and try to initiate the transaction?

The rest configuration looks good on our end.

it was

Best regards,
Yauheni Matskevich

transaction id: 2edb18e4-419e-40ce-8dfe-b0eb68f1944f
I sending now 0.2 and also balance 0

Best regards,
Yauheni Matskevich

Hi @Jenk

Could you please remove the “Matic Gas Token (Polygon Test)” asset and re-add it?
This should solve this issue and you should be able to see the deposits you made previously (The asset wallet address will remain the same):

1/ Copy the whitelisted address

2/ Remove the whitelisted address:

3/ Add the “Matic Gas Token (Polygon Test)”, use the address from 1/.

Please let me know if it helps.

Hi, Max.
I re-added

Best regards,
Yauheni Matskevich

Hi Jenk,

Based on our records, I can see the asset was approved.
Can you see the correct amount now and the autofuel works?

Hi, Max.
Yes, gas station balance good.
Transfer doesn’t work , if I send nft from acc with balance and got err about “Blocked by policy”. And when I send from acc with balance = 0 I got err about “Insufficient funds for fee”

Hi Jenk,

The first attempt failed with “Insufficient funds for fee” - expected, however after the Gas Station recognized the need to transfer the base asset into the vaultAccount and I could see successful transfers from the Gas Station to your vaultAcount.

Fireblocks transaction Ids:

Please review the transaction history, to confirm the auto-fueling was triggered.

Hi, I didn’t see these transactions.
Now, I’m try send new transaction, and again got eer about fee

And How I can update sandbox, because it expired.

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