How to remove the old transaction from queue which are in pending


Hey so i want to know whats the best way to handle this … so i am trying to do a new tx and suppose the old tx is stuck in pending signature and user want to do new tx , how to cancel the previous tx automatically

Hi @tan you can use this endpoint to cancel txs that have not made it to broadcasting state yet Cancel a transaction

so the thing is i am trying to get the tx history of user


but the filtering is not working on sourceWalletId and its giving me all the txs

If the Get transaction history endpoint is returning all wallet’s tx history even when you filter by the end user wallet ID as the source, can you try adding a limit filter and filtering by wallet to get all your users’ pending tx?

no its not returning all wallet tx just for f771d95d-4883-4859-a9a7-f45a54bba56f but for all tx in the workplace

for ex its retuning with source wallet id - f5cc5c48-92fe-4821-8be6-8f966daae893

So filtering is not happening

I understand this looks to be a filtering bug, I will try to replicate on my end.

Hi, I was able to replicate this behavior. It does seem like a bug. Are you trying to fetch many tx hashed from one user? If so, let’s try to filter by an asset that is stuck in pending signature and use those tx hashes to cancel pending signatures tx.

can you get this fixed though cause filtering on wallet id will be simple … cause many wallets will be using same asset also so filtering on it will not be good

Also one more error

When trying to do ncw wallet signature and previous one fails and i try to sign again another tx its just gives signing in progress issue , and i cant sign any tx