Transactions history filter by destination and source wallet address

Is it possible to add a filter transactions history Get transaction history by actual source and destination wallet addresses (destinationAddress, sourceAddress)?
Currently, if we need transactions for a specific wallet and asset we need to fetch all the transaction and filter it in application, which is not that useful for an amount of transactions company has.
Thank you!

Hi @vladislav.kislitsyn !

We do not support filtering a transaction history by a specific address. However, there are some other ways to achieve similar functionality:

  1. Vault IDs
    In case you are searching for transactions to/from an address generated through Fireblocks, use the vault and asset ID to find the desired transactions.
  2. Whitelisted Wallets
    You can add addresses not generated through Fireblocks as Whitelisted (WL) wallets. At this point, it will be assigned a WL wallet ID that can be provided as a filter parameter to the TX history endpoint. One important note: whitelisting an address will not change TX records retroactively–so past transactions to a WL wallet before the address was whitelisted will not be matched.
  3. Webhooks/Local Cache
    Transaction webhooks include the source and destination addresses. You can explore ingesting the transaction data to store the address info in a local cache alongside its transaction ID. At this point, you can refer to this internal cache that is auto-updated through transaction webhooks.

Let me know if the above doesn’t work for your use case, and we can talk through some other options. Also, I saw in your post history that you may have a Slack channel with Fireblocks. If so, please feel free to raise this issue through this channel to receive assistance more promptly.