How to Integrate the fireBlocks wallet via WalletConnect on NEAR chain

From the documentation, I know that fireBlocks support NEAR. In NEAR, we integrate WalletConnect through WalletSelector. Can I use FireBlocks to directly scan the code generated by WalletConnect? If it’s compatible。

In addition, on mobile FireBlocks, after the installation, it will prompt: Pair your iPhone by scanning the QR code from your Fireblocks console. I registered a test account, after logging in to Fireblocks console platform, I can not find this QR code, may I ask where this code is? Does it have anything to do with account permissions? I look forward to your reply. Thank you very much

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Hi @nature

Alec from Fireblocks here. Fireblocks Sandbox workspaces are not compatible with the Fireblocks mobile app, so you will not be able to pair your Sandbox workspace to a dApp via QR code. However, you can use the WalletConnect desktop pairing option if available. Please note that Sandbox workspaces only support testnet networks, so the WalletConnect v2 Session Proposal cannot contain any mainnet networks as Required Namespaces.

Thank you very much for your reply, love you