Deposit not working on Sandobox

I am trying to deposit ERC20 token and ETH in my vault on Sandbox. Vault already has that asset ERC20 token. I Also tried to add ETH to my gas station. Nothing is working. Transaction could be seen on blockchain but it’s not reflecting in fireblock account.

You assistant isn’t helpful for fireblock sandbox. It’s asking to connect Dapp with Fireblock account which is not working for sandbox

Seems like problem is in ETHEREUM SEPOLIA. Deposit from sepolia are not reflecting. Deposit from Arbitrum Sepolia are working. Please check this, might be RPC issue or something else. My deposit workflow was under creation and testing and it’s stuck now.

Hey @gauravgupta082

Can you please share here some transaction IDs and a bit more details about which tokens?

@SlavaSereb We also tried to make an deposit on fire-block sandbox account from my meta-mask, but it didn’t reflect on fire-block and the balance is also not updated for the same.
can you please let me know, what we can do to fix it and what exactly is the issue?

@Monika please share some details about the transaction such as the tx hash so we’ll be able to check internally

@SlavaSereb , 0xf075198cbd0be9a2a448d2f9da90f0213594b339a629cc9d4268f06fed5f6370
here is the deposit transaction hash from blockchain to my sandbox account wallet address of sepolia eth, but it didn’t reflect on fire-block .

Here it is. And Also new wallet not being added to fireblock. Vault is created, asset is added but asset not having address on both Ethereum Sepolia and Arbitrum Sepolia.

this is how it’s looking for Ethereum sepolia