Base Sepolia Testnet

I am trying to launch a Fireblocks RPC and sent transactions on Base Sepolia testnet using this tool: GitHub - fireblocks/fireblocks-json-rpc

I see that Base Goerli was supported, but the network has since been deprecated. The asset is supported according to this API call: List all asset types supported by Fireblocks

However, when I try to create an RPC with the chain id of 84532 (Base Sepolia) I get this error:

Error: Unsupported chain id: 84532.
Supported chains ids: 1, 3, 4, 5, 10, 14, 19, 30, 31, 42, 50, 56, 69, 81, 97, 106, 128, 137, 148, 248, 250, 592, 1101, 1284, 1285, 1442, 2020, 2222, 7700, 7701, 7777, 8453, 9001, 10000, 10001, 17000, 42161, 42220, 43113, 43114, 44787, 59140, 59144, 62320, 80001, 88888, 421611, 421613, 11155111, 1313161554, MAINNET, ROPSTEN, KOVAN, GOERLI, RINKEBY, SEPOLIA, HOLESKY, BSC, BSC_TEST, POLYGON, POLYGON_TEST, AVALANCHE, AVALANCHE_TEST, MOONRIVER, MOONBEAM, SONGBIRD, ARBITRUM, ARBITRUM_RIN, FANTOM, RSK, RSK_TEST, CELO, CELO_BAK, CELO_ALF, OPTIMISM, OPTIMISM_KOVAN, RONIN, CANTO, CANTO_TEST, POLYGON_ZKEVM_TEST, POLYGON_ZKEVM, KAVA, SMARTBCH, SMARTBCH_TEST, HECO, AURORA, RISEOFTHEWARBOTSTESTNET, EVMOS, ASTAR, VELAS, ARB_GOERLI, XDC, BASE, IVAR, JOC, OASYS, SHIMMEREVM, LINEA, LINEA_TEST, FLARE

Hi @troy

Can you please try to add to these sections the AssetID and the rpcUrl as mentioned here: fireblocks-web3-provider/src/types.ts at main · fireblocks/fireblocks-web3-provider · GitHub

You can take the RPCURL from here:

export type Asset = {
assetId: string,
rpcUrl: string,

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Hi @troy this should have been fixed over the weekend. Can you confirm if you’re still seeing this error?

This issue was fixed in the fireblocks-web3-provider repo and published, but the fireblocks-json-rpc repo is still pinned to the old version (1.3.3). When I update to the new version and install (1.3.4) it works as expected.

Thanks for the help!