When doing the a transaction say withdrawal or transferring tokens from one vault to another while having 0 Base asset. It 1st rejects the transaction and then starts auto-refuelling but it get’s stuck in Pending Signature status

so you can say the flow is as follows:
1] Initiate the transfer: aa37b30d-73bb-44c4-b56f-0e106af482e8
2] Rejected as NO BASE ASSET
3] Initiate Auto-Fuelling : e7f51eb3-130f-4566-ac51-c54674acb05a
4] Stuck at pending signature
How to fix this
We ran few tests yesterday and it worked but now it does not.
We are using same api keys as yesterday
Wallet address: 0xDDa57C5589A290F0474343BDA43B3FbCc69E2E6D
Transaction Id when auto-fuelling worked: 720e8a6c-b481-46a7-a40f-25032a96485c
and just for clarification what should be role of api user to perform this task mentioned above
Small update: The gas station is now working but there is a new Issue now
1] Initiate transaction
2] Pause transaction as 0 BASE ASSET
3] Gas auto fuelling
4] Resume transaction
5] Success
But the flow we are getting is
1] Initiate transaction
2] Pause transaction as 0 BASE ASSET
3] Transaction Failed
4] Gas auto fuelling starts
Is there something I might be getting wrong or is this a issue from fireblocks end?
Hi Aditya,
It is expected that if the base asset balance is zero, the transaction will fail due to insufficient funds for the fee.
It will create an auto fueling transaction.
Also i noticed that for gas station transaction you are not using a cosigner but using mobile users to sign the gas station transactions. So it there will be some latency in signing the transaction due to multiple designated signers.
Also the re fuel transaction e7f51eb3-130f-4566-ac51-c54674acb05a was cancelled by a user on your side.
The tx 720e8a6c-b481-46a7-a40f-25032a96485c was created and signed by your user hence it was successful.
Please configure the TAP as we recommend to allow automatic creation and signing of re-fueling transactions.
Let me know if you have any questions.
@mnamakwala Okay, understood.
Thanks for the help.
One last thing, could you point in right direction as to how or what things need to be configured with respect to TAP to allow automatic creation and signing of re-fueling transaction as I searched as went through docs but feels like I still haven’t understood what settings to change correctly
Hi Aditya,
Please take a look at this HC guide mentioned below.
Your current setup is for creating transactions but not for automatic signing.