Add asset to account in Non-custodial wallet

Hi, Support team

with the API " Add asset to account" in NCW on Add asset to account

Can we use assetId which are used in custodial wallet service, for example, “ETH_TEST3”, “ETH_TEST5”, etc ?

If not, where can I find the list of assetId which can be used in NCW ?

I tried this API on Postman, for example

then, I got an error 403 Firbidden
“message”: “Wallet setup is incomplete”

Thank you

Hi @drhanlondon

Tha The same asset Ids from Fireblocks API are still the same with NCW API, Retrieve supported assets You can try this endpoint to get a list of all supported assets.

I believe the reason for your error message Wallet setup is incomplete is due to incorrect API user permissions or wallet not being activated for your device ID. Can you confirm you are using an NCW Signer or NCW Admin user?

thanks for your reply.

At the moment, I am using Developer sandbox.

I tried to add an asset with the permission “NCW Admin” after creating an wallet and account successfully with the same permission.

Do I have to add an asset with permission “NCW signer” ?


Hi Support Team,

I too get the same error when trying to add asset in wallet.

I use sdk functionalities for the same and have created NCW signer and NCW admin.

Using ncw admin i create an wallet and create wallet account for the wallet.

After this while trying to add asset.

I use - signer.NCW.activateWalletAsset(

Here i get same error - Request failed with status code 403
data: { message: 'Wallet setup is incomplete' }

Am i missing something in between.


Hello All,
Did you generate MPC keys after creating the wallet and before adding an asset?
You can check for the status if the keys by calling getKeysStatus() and if the status is not ready you will need to trigger the key generation before you can add an assets to the wallet: