Resent activation letter

Hi there,
it is possible to resent activation letter to the new owner account, by any of the other Admin accounts? For some reason it has “Pending activation” status and existed activation links are expired

For other users in community, looks like this is the cause of “Something went wrong” error upon login and looped 403 redirects with cookie from “old” login form

Hey @Black_HobbiT,

Can you share a bit more details on who should get the activation email renewed?

I mean, I have colleagues with activated profiles and Admin role, and I’m supposed to be account owned (there was owner transfer not a long ago).

UPD: found out, that I’m not supposed to be the Owner
UPD2: Account Owner can resent invitation and this fixes login behavior

Hey @Black_HobbiT so just to make sure - were you able to login?

Yeup, all fixed up by dropping me and recreated, which leads to resenting letter