Missing transactions for vaults

Hello :wave:

I’m currently using the /transactions endpoint to retreive transactions from and to a given vault. However, the transaction data does not line up with the reported balance of the vault.

The aggregated value of withdrawals from the vault far exceed the total value deposited into the vault which I’m struggling to comprehend.

Essentially, if the vault’s transaction data is to be trusted, the current balance should be in negative but the reported balance by /vaults endpoint doesn’t line up with this.

Is it possible the API is missing transactions that represent the inflow of additional funds into the vault?

Hey @humza,

I checked your Sandbox account and I see no activity there. Neither transactions nor balances. Can you please provide some details about the workspace that you’re facing these issues in?

Hey, thanks for the response. The transaction mismatch is occurring in the vaults of one of our clients currently with our organization (https://integral.xyz/). We have read-only access to the said accounts via the Fireblocks API.

Do you have a recommended approach where I can refer those specific accounts to you securely?