Connecting mobile app to account

Hello, I downloaded the Fireblocks mobile app and would like to connect it to my account. When I open the app, it says to scan the QR code showing on the console, but I cannot find any place on the console to display a QR code or anything about the mobile app other than notifications that I need it to approve changes. If there is existing documentation or posts on this subject, please direct me to it.

Thank you

Hey @sreedModulus
Fireblocks Sandbox environment is configured to work without any mobile device.
Can you please share some details on what use case you are trying to achieve?

Hi @SlavaSereb
I am trying to approve changes to TAP. I click “Approve Changes” button, and see the following:
“By approving in the mobile app, you understand that changes to your TAP will be published and could result in loss of digital assets and/or blocked transactions.”

Hi @SlavaSereb
Tried approving TAP changes from another Admin’s account and it says “The policy changes are awaiting approval in the Fireblocks mobile app.” We are using a sandbox account as far as I am aware, which you said is configured to work without any mobile device. Is there a way to connect the mobile app to a sandbox account or is this a bug?

Hey @sreedModulus I am checking that and will update here

Hey @sreedModulus sorry for the delayed response.

We’ve checked your workspace and found out that you are using an older version of the Sandbox account that had the “Edit Policy” button enabled.
Kindly note that we moved the sandbox accounts to a new version since then and in it’s newer version this option is unavailable.

Although the button is enabled in the older version, the feature of configuring the policy is not really enabled and mobile devices cannot be setup in this environment.

What I suggest is the following:

  1. Move to a newer sandbox env. version as we are constantly working on improving it and adding new functionality to it (while the older one won’t get all the updates). You can signup and get access to it via the link below:
    Sandbox Sign Up

  2. If transaction authorization policy is something that is required for your testing and evaluation, we can connect you to one of our sales reps. to initiate the process of getting access to a production workspace that has the policy feature enabled.