403 error on tokenization endpoints

Hi, I’m a new user. No problem with accessing via postman, until I try to use tokenization endpoints. I note from the documentation that this is a premium feature, but can this be setup temporarily at least? Thanks. I emailed too.
Thanks David Cassell

Hi @david.cassell ,

This feature should be enabled now for your account.

thanks Max, that’s a big help. David

@MaxVasilyev @admins Can you please enable this feature for my sandbox account too please? I receive “errorMessage”: “Forbidden resource”.
My account email: mozzharov.egor@sharp-dev.net

@MaxVasilyev @SlavaSereb can you also activate this for my account as well? : taimomuh@uni-bremen.de. Thank you

Hi @Taimoor,

This feature should be enabled now for your account.

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It is enabled now. Thank you @MaxVasilyev

Hi @MaxVasilyev, can I get this enabled for my account? Or should I raise new ticket?