Hi, I am implementing a custom python backend for an NCW integration and testing it using the NCW web demo so far assigning (creating a NCW wallet) works but I am having trouble getting the RPC passthrough endpoint to work when initialising the front-end SDK.
When calling the https://sandbox-api.fireblocks.io/v1/ncw/wallets/{walletId}/devices/{deviceId}/invoke
endpoint with the following body: {'payload': '{"method":"get_service_certificates","headers":{"sdkVersion":"12.5.0","mpcVersion":6,"physicalDeviceId":"63efdf76-b4c4-4aca-9dad-261b4c7ee78d","platformType":"Web"},"params":[{"names":["nckms","signing_service","zona_service","policy_service","ncw-service"]}]}'}
I get the following error response: {"error":"Bad Request","message":"Couldn't complete the operation. Please contact support if the problem persists."}
Let me know if you need any further information to help!