Issues receiving webhooks for NCW transaction signing

Hi all,
(originally accidentally posted in developer discussion)
I’m running the frontend and backend demo apps and all works well except for signing transactions. I configured a webhook in the FB portal (see image below), exposed it to the internet (using dloudflared and a proper TLS cert) but it never gets invoked.

I created a few transactions of type message a in the demo app and I can see the transactions are pending signature, but like I said nothing gets invoked by FB

Eventually the transactions will timeout and fail after 2 hours

Any ideas? I only have access to sandbox env at this stage


If you are using our demo, please add API/webhook at the end of the URL and try again. Also, note that this webhook server needs to forward these requests to your backend server. I recommend using Ngrok and trying again.

Hi @mnamakwala ,
Thanks for the reply. I’ve made the change but it didn’t make any difference. I don’t think it’s an infrastructure issue as my endpoint is definitely internet facing (try CURLing it) and listening to requests. It’s just that no request is coming in.
It could also be my understanding on how transaction signing is meant to occur for an NCW wallet in the sandbox env (with the default readonly TAP rules and using the demo apps). Can you tell me if my understanding is correct? I’m using the default demo apps and initialising a wallet, generating keys, adding an asset and then when I generate a transaction (of type message or transfer), I assumed that FB will make a call to the webhook I registered in the platform settings to get the transaction signed. Is this correct or is it meant to behave differently in the sandbox env?
I can see the trx are submitted (see image), but I never receive any callback


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