We work with Hedera hashgraph and use fireblocks-sdk-js. When a user with NCW Signer or NCW Admin role attempts to create a transaction via API, the call returns 403 Forbidden. Here is the relevant code snippet:
While using NCW users, the source can only be END-USER NCW wallets.
NCW users are not permitted to create transactions where the source is a vault.
A non-NCW user can create transactions where the source is a vault account.
I hope this clears it up.
@mnamakwala Thank you very much for coming back to me, it makes sense but now I have a follow-up question: can this non-NCS user be created in a sandbox account? If not what/where needs to be done to make our code work please?
@mnamakwala I posted the screenshots above with everything that I have available in the UI for me, just to clarify again - the UI presents only the following options:
Non Custodial Wallet Admin
Non Custodial Wallet Signer
Non-Signing Admin
Non Custodial Wallet Admin
I do not see ‘admin’ or ‘signer’ role - this is the point I am trying to convey. Please help getting this resolved.
@mnamakwala Thank you, using Editor role we can create the transaction, however the signedMessages field still contains an empty array as a result. Why or what should we do differently? Or would it be possible to see a working example somewhere that would answer our question? A link or a code snipped posted here would help enormously please.
Hello @mnamakwala, thank you. We were unable to make the code work in the account in sandbox. However we got access to a ‘console’ account and the same code which did not work in the sandbox worked there. I am not sure what exactly the issue is/was, but it seems to have been something to do with the account configuration. Anyway we have been able to progress now, thank you for trying to help us.