Retrieving Audit Logs 500

Hello we try to retrieve Audit Logs and followed the official Guide of Fireblocks.
But we only get back 500 without any more detailed info.
We are using the following user type Non_signing_admin.
Could it be that he has not enough permission? But we can not select something higher also.

Hey @mralladinz,

Can you please share what API key are you using (the first 5 chars are more than enough).
Also, are you using our SDK or your own API client code? Can you please share the request that you’re creating, including the endpoint, query params (if set) etc.


Here the API-KEY: 99217
We are using our own middleware
we send iat=in seconds,exp= in seconds,bodyHash=“”,nonce=randomstring
we try to reach /v1/audits

Thanks for the info @mralladinz
We are checking this internally and will update you ASAP.

Hello @SlavaSereb thanks do you know when I can expect a reply? Since I tried also using the official Java SDK there we also retrieved an 500 Error with no further information. However this is strange since the GET Auditlogs is not a complex method.

Hey @mralladinz

We identified the issue with the Audit Log API in the sandbox environment and the team is working on fixing that.

Kindly note that this issue is limited to the Sandbox only and does not affect the production environment.

I’m sorry for this bad experience and will definitely update you once fixed on our side.

Hi @mralladinz

Can you please try to call the following endpoint and see if you are able to get the result?

