Docs or Example using Polygon and Mumbai with Hardhat

This is the closest info I’ve found. I can imagine modifying the code as follows but what would the url be?

module.exports = {
  solidity: "0.8.9",
  networks: {
    // goerli: {
    polygon: {
      // url: "",
      url: "https://SOMEWHERE", // WHAT FOR POLYGON mainnet and testnet (Mumbai)?
      fireblocks: {
        apiBaseUrl: ApiBaseUrl.Sandbox, // If using a sandbox workspace - RELEVANT FOR POLYGON?
        privateKey: process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH,
        apiKey: process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY,
        vaultAccountIds: process.env.FIREBLOCKS_VAULT_ACCOUNT_IDS,

Hi @jason ,

When using Hardhat with Fireblocks, you are replacing the use of a private key with Fireblocks’ signing infrastructure. You will, however, still use a third-party node provider to query the blockchain and broadcast transactions. The URL can be acquired from one of these providers. In the example, we are using Ankr; other popular options are Alchemy and Infura. So, you must sign up with a provider, create a project, and copy the provided URL for Polygon or Mumbai and paste it into the Hardhat config.