I want to use the Fireblocks API specially on Contract Interaction Write Call. And use it for Batch Transfer on Account Based Blockchains, just like what it being said on documentations, that fireblocks recommend us to use disperse. But i didn’t find complete example on how to use or interact with it to do Batch Transfer. Since this is a basic functions that should be supported. Can you giving us a little help to show the example code to make batch transfer using Fireblocks and Disperse, or using MultiCall3.
Hi @fiksri could you please share the API documentation that you are referring to?
For account based assets there’s no a native way to batch transactions but you can utilize smart contract interactions with dapps like Disperse or MultiCall3.
Unfortunately I do not have any sample code to share.
disperse.app also provides a comprehensive explanation in their research paper.
Yeah its pretty clear for their recommendations. but in fireblocks side, can you give brief example in a snippet or something to show, how the contract interactions should work. cause when i use it on multicall3 it always return like this :
HTTP response body: message="The parameter 'calls' is missing a 'tuple[]' value" code=None
This was the response while i am using contractInteractions and hit the disperseToken and disperseEther functions from disperse.app with fireblocks sdk :