I was trying to transfer some tokens out of one of asset which is a ERC20 deployed in polygone blockchain. There are 500 tokens in custody of FireBlocks vault. I already tested the transfer using FireBlocks dashboard and now i was do this with API call. Here is the code i am trying to test but it’s return 400 error. Any suggestion what might be wrong. I guess id in source is the vault id while id in destination should be the polygon address where i want to send token out
const payload: TransactionArguments = {
source: {
type: PeerType.VAULT_ACCOUNT,
id: "1"
destination: {
type: PeerType.ONE_TIME_ADDRESS,
id: "0x1a8929fbE9abEc00CDfCda8907408848cBeb5300"
amount: "25",
fee: String("0"),
note: "Created by fireblocks SDK"
const result = await fireblocks.createTransaction(payload);
console.log( JSON.stringify(result) );